Thursday, September 2, 2010

SAD 2 - Assignment 4

Contrast and discuss the enrollment input form (PRF) with the enrollment university interface.

When you try to look the Pre- Registration Form (PRF), it seems that it has many differences with the interface of the university's enrollment system. There are entries or fields on the system that is not present on the PRF that a student must fill-up. And some of those entries are the following:
  • Civil Status
  • Birthdate
  • Contact Number
  • E-mail Address
  • Religion
  • Desired Career
  • Year
  • Parents
If the entries above are not present on the PRF, then what would be the values to be inputted on that fields? If a student is an old type of student, then maybe those fields have already values but what if he/she is a new type of student? What should be those fields have?

Aside from those missing fields that I have observed, there is also a big difference on the positions of the different fields that the PRF and the enrollment system interface have. If I would be the encoder, and assuming that it would be my first time to operate the system, it would be difficult for me to input the values found on the PRF to the system since I have to look to the PRF and then find the correct field on the system where I have to enter the values. It would be time-consuming and there is a possibility of wrong inputs for those fields.

I also found out that the PRF has something to do with the scholarship a student has but in the system, there is no field for the scholarship. Aside from that, the employment information is also not present on the enrollment system interface.

My suggestions would be: (a) the look and feel of the PRF should be close to the look and feel of the university's enrollment system interface so that it would just be easy for the encoder to encode the necessary information found in the PRF into the system; (b) some entries that are present on the system and are not on the PRF should be removed.


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