Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mr. Gamboa told us that the Information Technology has the equation hardware plus software while Management Information System is a combination of hardware, software, and people ware. Management implies that someone has to be managed. He has asked us if the definition Management Information System is correct to say. MIS involves people ware on its equation, then how would MIS be correct? We, humans should not be managed by anyone because we have our own life and we should live independently for us to be able to learn deeply about life.

I asked myself, is Management Information System the right term to use?

For me, the answer is yes.

A fact from Wikipedia was written and states that:

“The terms MIS and information system are often confused. Information systems include systems that are not intended for decision making. The area of study called MIS is sometimes referred to, in a restrictive sense, as information technology management.”

This information has just proven my answer that MIS is correct though it can also be called ITM in restrictive sense.

A definition of MIS from http://www.management-hub.com states that:

“When information systems are designed to provide information needed for effective decision making by managers, they are called management information systems. MIS is a formal system for providing management with accurate and timely information necessary for decision making.

The system provides information on the past, present and project future and on relevant events inside and outside the organization. It may be defined as a planned and integrated system for gathering relevant data, converting it in to right information and supplying the same to the concerned executives. The main purpose of MIS is to provide the right information to the right people at the right time.

A management information system is an integrated man – machine systems that provides information to support the planning and control function of manager in an organization.

The output of an MIS is information that subs serves managerial functions. When a system provides information to persons who are not managers, then it will not be considered as part of an MIS.”

Therefore, the ‘management’ word on MIS does not really mean that there should someone to be managed. It’s just that the managers are the ones who would make an effective decision using information systems.




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