Thursday, July 22, 2010

SAD 2 - Assignment 2

Relative to your answer in Assignment 1 .... what's your take on the design of the enrollment system?

All of the observations, comments and suggestions about the new enrollment system implemented this year are already posted in my Assignment 1. And based on it, I would just summarize my take on the design of the newly implemented enrollment system.

The enrollment period plays a big role on a university since it is the time that students would be registering as a part of the institution. As my part as a student, the enrollment procedure of the university should have a process that is easy for us to adopt, understand and follow. It is my fourth year of staying here in the university and I observed that for that past seven enrollment periods (2 times for every year) that I have experienced, it was not that easy to adopt and follow. The process is always changing and I know for the fact that it is for the betterment of the process since lots of students and other people involve in the enrollment process have many complaints about it and by that, we all want change. However, changing the enrollment process can make the people involve confused. Fortunately, diagrams were posted on the different areas on the university every enrollment. Those diagrams show the process for the enrollment and serve as a guide for the students, especially for the freshmen students, since they are new comers to the university.

The following are the necessary changes that should be implemented for the improvement of the new enrollment system of our university.

  • the first step, which is the students accounts part, can just be removed since the processes involve on it, which are checking students accounts and checking balance, are already involve on the clearance signing part that is usually done weeks before the end of a semester.
  • on the third step, the payment of the other fees (e.g. local council, OCSC, headlight, insurance) should be done prior to the presenting enrollment requirements for the advising/pre-registration part since receipts for the other fees should be included on the advising part for the adviser to be able to give a pre-registration form to the student.
  • on the sixth step, which is the last step on the diagram, should not serve as the last step since we all knew that we have to go to the library after having the official Certificate of Registration (COR).


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